Oracle Buys into Engine Yard, Integration to Follow

Oracle has made a strategic minority investment in Engine Yard, the Platform-as-a-Service company with the cloud development platform that supports the Ruby, PHP and Node.js development languages.

The exact sum, position and valuation went unmentioned. Engine Yard will continue to operate as an independent company.

Ironically Amazon was part of a $15 million B round in 2008 and a $19 C round in 2009. Prior to the Oracle, Engine Yard is understood to have raised $37.5 million.
The investment means that Oracle and Engine Yard will connect their respective PaaS offerings to enable more rapid development of applications in a secure, reliable and scalable environment. Developers are supposed to be able to extend their packaged applications more efficiently to support additional business requirements and test, prototype and deploy new purpose-built apps without having to assemble and maintain the infrastructure.

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