“OpenStack the Preferrred Way to Store (Big) Data”

Continuing a series of brief interviews with some of the technology execs at this year’s Red Hat Summit in San Francisco, we turn our attention now to Sandro Mazziotta, Senior Director of Product Management, eNovance.

This company is based in Paris with a North American office in Montreal, is an OpenStack company, and focuses on private and hybrid clouds as well as multi-cloud management.

Roger: How has your business grown in Europe? Who are your key customers? How important will North America now be?

Sandro: We started as a managed services app provider, shifted to becoming an IaaS provider, then moved to becoming a services and solutions provider focussing on OpenStack and open source in general.

We started by doing business in France and then in EMEA. Cloudwatt is a major customer for us, for example, and we continue to focus on EMEA and while expanding to the North American market.

There is a clear trend in adoption of OpenStack happening world wide. We are seeing a lot of traction for large-scale OpenStack deployments. North America remains the birth place of cloud computing, and will continue to be a high-growth market as new technologies like OpenStack continue to mature.

Roger: How critical is the real-time aspect of modern IT? How quickly is it growing?

With the emergence of mobile applications, companies are generating more and more information to store and retrieve in the cloud. This creates a fast-moving and growing market opportunity for more modernized IT infrastructures based on OpenStack. The challenge however is for mobile applications to access the right data in real time.

Roger: How key is the role of Big Data in developing your solutions? How important is the term Big Data to you?

We focus on large scale implementation of OpenStack. For Big Data storage, OpenStack is the only open-source cloud management stack to deploy Big Data applications in the cloud – it’s the preferred way to store data. This is particularly important for us with our focus on large-scale deployments.

Clearly, I just scratched the surface here, so expect to follow up with Sandro to glean some more insight from companies like this that are attacking very large challenges within the realms of the cloud, Big Data, and presumably the IoT.

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