Nine Things Cloud ISVs Should Do Next

The proliferation of cloud technologies can be seen through the increasing number of cloud ISVs that are leveraging cloud either by changing the underlying computing model or by completely redoing their product offerings. This number is already bordering on hundreds and quickly headed for thousands as the cloud opens new avenues for businesses and consumers alike. Many business domains are already neatly served through cloud ISVs, sometimes very innovatively. Predominantly, areas like HR, marketing, CRM, collaboration, business intelligence, accounting, financial practices, ecommerce and content management have many options already.
ISVs are using cloud models differently and are at different stages of enablement. Some have reused existing tools and features to re-platform products, some are using cloud services to complement the product while others have built products ground up afresh or are using cloud to host and manage service delivery better. Some are testing the waters by embracing cloud partially and some are neck deep betting on it completely. Different ISVs are in different business situations with respect to fully exploiting the cloud benefits. Based on observations so far, here are nine things ISVs can look at doing next. A few of these may be obvious for some, but these steps could be critical for future business. One size seldom fits all. ISVs need to map their current situation and decide what fits them well and in what order.

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