My Upcoming #cloudchat with IBM

I will be part of a tweetchat on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 4pm EST. The topic will be PaaS. The event is hosted by @IBMCloud, but there is no expectation to talk about IBM, its strategy, or its products. The company is taking the enlightened view that good conversation is good for everybody.

The nominal topic is whether the term PaaS is dying, whether it will soon (or some day) simply be integrated into IaaS.

I generally loathe this sort of metaphysical conversation except late at night in places with dramshop insurance.

That said, it should be fun. Among the panalists will be Judy Hurwitz, who’s been a definitive font of IT knowledge for more years than either she or I care to remember. She’s been on a tear recently, writing innumerable articles and several good books about Cloud Computing in all its forms and the world of XaaS. Judy is always practical.

As I hope to be as well. As I recently wrote, I’m involved with a new datacenter project, which itself is part of an overall strategy for a software start-up. I am looking at PaaS in all its forms – independent, bound to an ecosystem, open-source, and all grey areas to be found.

Our chat will be found on Twitter at #cloudchat.

Please feel free to chime in with comments as the thing unfolds.

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