Moving your law firm’s data to the cloud: Easily said, easily done

This blog post is for informational and educational purposes only. Any legal information provided in this post should not be relied upon as legal advice. It is not intended to create, and does not create, an attorney-client relationship and readers should not act upon the information presented without first seeking legal counsel.

In a profession notorious for being slow to change, cloud-based solutions for many of the traditionally office-based systems like calendaring, matter tracking, remote access to email, document storage, and backup are gaining traction with law firms, especially small and mid-sized law firms.

A recent survey by LexisNexis, a popular legal research and services provider, indicates that half of the small law firm lawyers who responded to their survey were more likely to use the cloud for their practice in 2014 and that more than 70% of attorneys who responded believed their law firms would move aspects of their …