Monitor App Performance Early and Often

“Vote early and vote often.” Back in the 1920s and ’30s, when neither election technology nor oversight were as effective as they are today, and the likes of Al Capone were at work gaming the system, this phrase wasn’t a joke. It was a best practice.
If you want guaranteed results, what better way than to get people to the polls early, and then repeatedly, to vote for your candidate?
None of this sitting around until the end of the day, hoping that the election goes the way you want. Capone would tell you, “That’s for saps.”
What does this have to do with cloud computing? All too often we see IT teams taking a “buy it and hope it works” strategy when it comes to adopting cloud-based apps. They migrate their entire user base to the cloud on faith, assuming that they can worry about performance and availability issues later, if ever. After all, everybody in the company accesses the Internet today without issues so your cloud apps should work just fine, right?

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