Mobility and Real-Time Capability Projection

This weekend I was clever. That is newsworthy because it doesn’t happen very often. Our son is stationed at a military base that did not receive TV coverage of the Boise State football game on Saturday night. It must have been the government shut-down. I can’t think of any other reason they wouldn’t have shown it. The solution was a three hour Google+ Hangout whereby mom and dad got to talk to our officer son while the laptop camera “inadvertently” captured and streamed the Broncos game showing on our big screen TV. It was a nice Hangout – they won! We tried Skype first, but the picture was blurry. Google+ Hangout, however, was picture perfect.
Our son is stationed a great distance away, however, using real-time communication and video we can communicate and share what is going on in our lives. This same kind of technology can be used in the context of “capability projection” for companies. Here is my definition of capability projection, “The ability of a business to apply all or some of its capabilities such as marketing, sales, distribution, etc., over great distances to respond to and take advantage of new market opportunities.”

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