LogMeIn Previews AppGuru

LogMeIn is announcing a solution for the “Bring Your Own Apps” trend. Importantly, rather than making IT professionals the bad guys trying to stop the trend, the new AppGuru puts IT pros back into the role of strategic advisor in a cloud-centric world.
As business applications move to the cloud and new, employee-introduced cloud apps take hold in the workplace, the nature of and need for identity management is changing. A December 2012 study conducted by Edge Strategies on the bring-your-own-app (BYOA) trend found nearly 70% of companies reported active use of employee-introduced cloud apps at work. According to the findings, only 22 percent of IT pros indicate they are fully prepared to handle BYOA and 43 percent are concerned with the lack of control over these apps. In addition, SaaS enterprise apps (e.g., Salesforce.com), are often controlled by line-of-business owners, thus putting traditional IT tasks such as provisioning and policy control in the hands of business users outside the IT department.

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