Leveraging AI for Video Summarization | @CloudEXPO @Adobe @AdobeSensei @24Notion #AI #ML #DataScience #ArtificialIntelligence

With digital video content creation going viral and assuming the bulk of Internet traffic, how can the deluge of video content be analyzed effectively to derive insights and ROI? After all, video is not only huge in size, but it is complex given various visual, audio and temporal elements. Video summarization (a mechanism for generating a short video summary via key frame analysis or video skimming) has become a popular research topic industry-wide and across academia. Video thumbnail generation and summarization has been developed for years, but deep learning and reinforcement learning is changing the landscape and emerging as the winner for optimal frame selection. Recent advances in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are improving the quality, aesthetics and relevancy of the frames to represent the original videos. Attendees will gain an understanding of the various challenges facing the industry today, emerging AI-powered solutions around video summarization and how unsupervised learning can help deliver video content understanding.

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