Legacy with Migration Containers | @DevOpsSummit #Containers #Microservices

The relentless doubling of compute horsepower every 18 – 24 months known as Moore’s Law is one of the trends that has shaped the IT industry. Machine virtualization and cloud computing have combined to reduce the time it takes to create a new machine that harnesses the latest in computing power to nearly zero. These mammoth forces plus a bit of application developer productivity have resulted in a huge explosion in the number of machines running applications over the past 10 to 15 years.
The benefits of staying current and adopting the latest foundational technologies are undeniable. Faster compute, low-cost network and storage, reductions in time to market, agility – both technical and business- is a powerful amalgamation of trends that lays the groundwork for a competitive advantage for many businesses. Figure out how to leverage new technology before your competitors do, or be prepared to find yourself in the unemployment line.

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