LeaseWeb Fields CloudStack in Battle with Rackspace & Amazon

LeaseWeb, the Dutch-based infrastructure provider, is expanding its public cloud infrastructure to the US, figuring to be cheaper than Rackspace and Amazon.
The multi-tenant widgetry is designed for maximum redundancy and uses the open source CloudStack platform Citrix turned over to the Apache Foundation at its core. It likes KVM for virtualization and its fast network-attached storage is based on a Nexenta platform.
The hungry newcomer is offering four CPU and memory packages ranging from $16 a month to $99 a month.
Sixteen bucks will buy a single core machine with a half a gig of memory, 40 gigs of storage and 500 gigs free bandwidth. Ninety-nine bucks buys quad-core VMs, four gigs of memory, 160 gigs of storage and the same free bandwidth. All instances are automatically firewalled and it just takes a credit card.

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