Lack of vendor support hinders channel cloud push, research finds


Even though almost all of the channel recognises the potential benefits of cloud computing, only two thirds of companies polled by the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) and Intermedia say they are offering cloud services today.

The research, which was conducted by Vanson Bourne and polled 150 senior decision makers from managed service providers, value added resellers and systems integrators, found there were ‘significant’ barriers when it came to channel organisations selling cloud services today. 82% argue cultural changes within an organisation are a challenge, while staff skill shortages (81%) and cloud marketing and positioning (80%) were also cited.

78% of end user organisations are using at least one cloud-based service today, according to figures, up from 61% according to the CIF, but the channel has been unable to keep up down to a lack of vendor support, argues Alex Hilton, Cloud Industry Forum CEO.

“The channel is clearly struggling when it comes to cloud deployments and is missing out on major opportunities as a result,” said Hilton. “Resellers that do sell cloud services are reporting a wide range of benefits, from improved competitive edge to extended revenues and market reach. This puts channel resellers that haven’t yet made the move at a distinct disadvantage.”

“While the channel has recognised cloud’s potential, resellers, as made evident by these findings, aren’t getting the support they need to transition, said Eric Weiss, Intermedia SVP marketing.

“Beyond tailored levels of support and technical expertise, partners need help differentiating, which is why 82% of respondents incorporate value adds and 59% view white label programmes as critical or very important to their success. This is why Intermedia has put such an emphasis on its private label resale programme – so partners can create solutions customised to their customers’ needs while owning the relationship, pricing and branding.”