Juniper & Seagate Invest in Cloudscaling

Cloudscaling, the four-year old start-up that insists it’s got the most advanced OpenStack infrastructure system, has picked up a $10 million B round from Trinity Ventures and two new investors, new strategic partners Juniper Networks and Seagate.
It reportedly got a $4 million A round from Trinity in 2011.
In April Cloudscaling wheeled out its turnkey Open Cloud System (OCS) 2.5, which it integrated with Juniper’s virtual network control (VNC) technology, JunosV Contrail, signaling their partnership.
The two now plan other joint networking solutions that would support a new generation of cloud-aware enterprise workloads.
The Register thinks Juniper may wind up buying the company.
Cloudscaling also joined the Seagate Cloud Builder Alliance Partner program in April and, as part of the program, it and Seagate are focused on developing optimized storage solutions for OpenStack.

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