Jonathan Hoppe Keynote at @CloudEXPO New York | @TotalUptime #Cloud #Serverless #DataCenter #CIO #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalTransformation

Data center, on-premise, public-cloud, private-cloud, multi-cloud, hybrid-cloud, IoT, AI, edge, SaaS, PaaS… it’s an availability, security, performance and integration nightmare even for the best of the best IT experts.

Organizations realize the tremendous benefits of everything the digital transformation has to offer. Cloud adoption rates are increasing significantly, and IT budgets are morphing to follow suit. But distributing applications and infrastructure around increases risk, introduces complexity and challenges availability at every turn.

To embrace DX and to come out on top, there are four underlying principles that should guide you. Understanding these four essentials along with their relevance and impact will elevate you to DX Hero status now. Jonathan will provide a high-level overview of these principles and how some of his organization’s clients have embraced them with resounding success.

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