Is your critical data safe in the cloud?

For a rapidly growing network of companies with critical data, migrating to the cloud has moved from an idea to reality.

But while cloud services promise rich economic benefits, scalability and flexibility, they also can trigger significant perceived risks for companies that are highly concerned about security, data protection, reliability and availability.

Primarily, breaches of one’s data can  prove both devastating and costly, with any breaches sparking downtime that could lead to potential loss of business, credibility or integrity. Still, for increased security, you may actually want to consider the cloud. While this goes against conventional wisdom, there are reasons it makes sense…

One, partnering with a vendor with a network of dedicated data centers and one that follows a holistic approach to serving customers can alleviate security concerns. Why? Because of the single-minded obsessiveness that these vendors must bring to bear.

Indeed, a third-party data center with SSAE16 …