Is a #BigData Conference Like Going to the Dentist? | @CloudExpo #BI #IoT #SmartCities

I recently visited my dentist and found the experience, well, less than satisfactory. I was subjected to 45 minutes of lecturing while strapped into the dentist chair:

“You don’t brush enough times a day. You don’t brush long enough. You don’t brush correctly. You aren’t using the right type of toothbrush. You aren’t replacing the brush head soon enough. You aren’t flossing enough. You aren’t flossing correctly. You aren’t using the right type of floss.”

Good lord! It’s any wonder that my teeth aren’t just falling out of my head!!
No one likes being lectured. It’s not constructive and after a while, you just turn it off. That’s probably similar to the feeling of going to these Big Data conferences – constantly being told what you aren’t doing right. And maybe I’m guilty of doing that as well. If I am, then I’m sorry because from an audience perspective, it sucks.

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