IoT and #DigitalTransformation | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #InternetOfThings

Let us face it, there are many technological innovations taking place right now and we’re not short of buzzwords.
Some years ago it was the cloud, last year was Big Data and this year it seems to be the Internet of Things. Beneath all the noise, what matters is whether these things are truly game changers or just noise. Let’s take a look at the reality.
Back in the days of our ancestors, the Neanderthals, there was probably a lot of hype around as well. New spear design, new flint stones (not the cartoons), or arrowheads must have made waves. This passed down the ages and possibly a few thousand years ago created hype around things like the invention of the wheel and irrigation systems. A few hundred years ago, innovation moved more into warfare and technology inventions such as better weapon design, the invention of gunpowder and maybe better ways to identify disease.

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