IoD, IoT, IoE, IoS, IoP, IoU and IoX Are in Your Future

Have you figured out the new buzzword trend for 2014 that starting ramping up in 2013?
Yup, it’s Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Devicess (IoD)
Assuming that IoT, IoD and other variations catch on which looks like they will, this could bring relief and rest for the over-worked Big Data and Software Defined “X” buzzword bingo bandwagon usage.
For those not familiar with Software Defined “X”, simply replace “X” with your favorite term such as Data Center (SDDC), Networking (SDN), Storage (SDS), Marketing, (SDM) among the new IT (and beyond) industry term might just take some pressure from the over-worked software defined “x” usage (you pick “x” such as data center, networking, storage, marketing, etc).

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