Hybrid Cloud: Opening the Door to #IoT and Innovation @ThingsExpo

Rarely have we experienced such rapid innovation in the IT industry. CIOs have become essential leaders of the business, both in terms of promoting growth by optimizing technology and mitigating risk for their organizations. At the same time, IT departments are being stretched as business demands outpace available budget and legacy investments consume most resources.
Creating flexibility in today’s IT environment has become critical as organizations seek to strike a balance between maximizing existing enterprise application investments and continuing to drive innovation and efficiency. Many are turning to cloud technology to support evolving business and IT goals.
Just as businesses can’t take a one-size-fits-all approach, neither can the technology on which these organizations rely. That’s where hybrid cloud comes in: giving organizations the ability to seamlessly move between on-premises and off-premises cloud options, allowing them to utilize cloud computing and the business advantages it offers to their fullest potential.

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