HP Cloud Object Storage: A Brief Overview

cloudHP’s cloud solutions continue to expand, and more and more organizations are taking advantage of these opportunities. In the cloud storage arena, HP Cloud Object Storage provides highly durable, readily available access to your data. It’s secure, too; each object is stored in three zones of availability, all separate from one another. HP Cloud Object Storage runs on world-class HP servers, of course, giving you scalability and access on demand.

Here are some things you need to know about HP Cloud Object Storage:

  • High performance. This service runs entirely on high-end HP servers. This gives you the highest possible levels of availability and performance.
  • Scalability. Creating containers and adding objects in order to adjust to growing storage needs is instantaneous, and you only pay for what you use.
  • Security. The three availability zones for HP Cloud Object Storage are physically separate, and have redundant power and redundant Internet connections, all of which are monitored 24/7.
  • Public containers. HP Cloud Object Storage allows for the option of creating a public container that can be access externally by any user. By default, the containers are of course private.
  • Object size. Natively, HP Cloud Object Storage can hold objects anywhere from a singly byte all the way up to 5 GB. Larger objects can be segmented into pieces of 5 GB or smaller at the time of upload, and they will automatically reassemble into the larger file when you access or download it.
  • Security. HP Cloud Object Storage relies on REST-based authentication for clients. You can choose between a private key or a token that’s time based in order to secure your data in HP’s public cloud.
  • Management. HP has long been known for its capable and intuitive management consoles, and HP Cloud Object is no different. From the console you have increased visibility into how your storage is being used. You can manage containers easily and remove or add objects as the need arises.

In the world of cloud solutions, there are few who can compete with the robust and agile HP Cloud Object Storage.

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