How government CRM tools are addressing complex public sector needs

Nishant Shah, Senior Analyst, Government Technology

Stories about frustrating experiences with government agencies abound. Typically, they are due to a combination of service delivery failure, lack of transparency, and inadequate communication. Fortunately, many governments are beginning to address these issues with a greater sense of urgency. The need for action is being manifested in new policy and an operational focus on better service delivery globally, with customer relationship management (CRM) tools as integral as ever.

Ovum’s recently published Decision Matrix, Ovum Decision Matrix: Selecting a CRM for Constituent Service and Case Management in Government, examines the competitive dynamics for CRM in the public sector market and analyzes six leading software application suites to inform agencies’ selection processes.

With a focus on civilian and administrative agencies such as tax/revenue, immigration, and health/human services, it expounds the topics discussed here with rankings and detailed evaluations of Oracle, KANA, SAP …