How Data Integration Is Changing the Enterprise Landscape

Two words that are continually brought up in conversations at company meetings are “integration” and “cloud.” According to leading analyst firm Gartner, by 2016 the growth of cloud computing will increase to become the bulk of new IT spend. The relative cost of cloud services as compared to handling integration in-house has historically hindered executives’ decisions to implement cloud services and brokers. However, the undeniable benefits to cloud-based integration have now come to the forefront of consideration for C-level decision makers looking to relieve their companies of compliance challenges and security risks, while increasing the speed of data being transferred and analyzed. Putting the two words together, cloud integration is now more important than ever to tackle increasingly complex integration challenges.
As such, 2014 will be a disruptive year for integration providers, cloud services, Big Data and C-level executives looking to take full advantage of what data integration has to offer. Below are three trends companies can expect to see and incorporate into their businesses in the next year.

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