How Cloud-Based Collaboration Boosts Performance

Online collaboration has evolved during the last decade, delivering even greater value — thanks to a new generation of business technology applications. Forbes Insights released “Collaborating in the Cloud,” a Cisco-sponsored study examining the ways business leaders increasingly look at cloud collaboration as a way to increase productivity, accelerate business results and enhance innovation across borders and functions.
The research combines a global survey of more than 500 executives with 15 executive interviews.
“The ability to collaborate in the cloud is becoming a key driver of competitive advantage,” says Bruce Rogers, Chief Insights Officer of Forbes Media. “Leading companies are doing more to foster cloud-based collaboration — not only internally, but also with an ever-wider swath of external groups including customers, suppliers, partners, and even regulators.” The benefits of cloud-based collaboration, Rogers continues, include “greater efficiency, organizational dexterity, and innovation,” to name only a few.

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