Guest Post: Typical CIO Conversation

Using cloud brokerage to provision and manage services from multiple cloud service providers.
Here’s a snapshot of a typical conversation I’ve had with large enterprise CIOs.
I’ve had a number of free lunches this way, but my colleagues at Gravitant have built this technology and have already proven it with a successful implementation in the State of Texas!
The technology is known as cloudMatrix. It is a culmination of online marketplaces driven by SOA and powered by advanced analytics. Under the hood is an electronic services catalog that contains a list of providers and their offerings as well as API connectivity for auto provisioning. The exterior is also pretty slick with a single pane of glass for drag and drop cloud architecture design. Advanced analytics then kicks in to show the best fit provider, followed by continuous recalibration for optimal performance. I know that sounds more like an automobile ad, but cloudMatrix technology is in fact a layer of abstraction even above the cloud.

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