Flint Hosts to offer charities free shared and discounted cloud hosting

UK-based hosting provider Flint Hosts has announced the launch of Flint|Charity, a service which offers free shared hosting and discounted cloud hosting to charities.

The free shared package allows for up to 1GB of storage, one hour of free technical support and a name check from the company, while the cloud package offers the requisite name check, hosting on Flint’s enterprise level platform at a 50% discount with fully managed service.

Paul Hopkinson, Flint Hosts managing director, believes having things fully managed will be essential for charities.

“A lot of providers will just give you the server, which is often a headache,” he told CloudTech. “We take that worry out of their hands, manage it all for them, and our systems are as secure as they reasonably can be.”

Hopkinson explained that this philanthropic approach had “always been part of the ethos of the business.”

“We did a …