First Commercial DevOps Product From @HashiCorp | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

HashiCorp, a San Francisco-based start-up founded in 2012, has recently released its first commercial product, called Atlas. HashiCorp is known by many people as the creator of a number of open-source tools that assist in developing, deploying, and maintaining applications. One major challenge for IT shops is that so many tools are required to automate the building and delivery of software that engineers spend far too much time trying to tie all of these tools together, which takes away time from working on business requests. In many shops, one or more people may be dedicated to managing the complexities of the DevOps tool chain, which includes integration, patching, upgrading, and many other non-value added tasks. With Atlas, engineers can leverage a single tool for managing infrastructure and builds with a common workflow and a central dashboard.

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