Every CIO Needs To Know About the #InternetOfThings | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #API #Microservices

The Internet of Things. Cloud. Big Data. Real-Time Analytics. To those who do not quite understand what these phrases mean (and let’s be honest, that’s likely to be a large portion of the world), words like “IoT” and “Big Data” are just buzzwords. The truth is, the Internet of Things encompasses much more than jargon and predictions of connected devices. According to Parker Trewin, Senior Director of Content and Communications of Aria Systems, “IoT is big news because it ups the ante: Reach out and touch somebody is becoming reach out and touch everything.” In my previous blog, we talked about absolutely everything from cars and houses to your family members will be connected to the internet. However, revenue projections involved in those applications are left in the hands of consumer adopters, and if you want to keep up with IoT on an enterprise level then you have to step up your game. We’re not talking about your toaster tweeting that your toast is ready; we’re talking about billions of dollars on the table, and if you don’t take it then someone else will.

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