Eucalyptus Is Open for (Cloud) Business

Eucalyptus Systems provides IT organizations and technology businesses with the most widely deployed cloud software platform for on-premise Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Eucalyptus is built as an open source cloud product and is uniquely suited for enterprise-class private cloud or hybrid cloud computing.
Eucalyptus is the world’s most widely deployed private cloud software platform. Our software enables companies to turn their own hardware into so called private clouds. With Eucalyptus installed on your servers and your storage system, you have a cloud of your own with the benefits that you are used to from the public cloud such as Amazon Web Services.
Some examples: Puma runs all their consumer-facing websites on Eucalyptus. This allows them to move workloads around and provide compute power to the website or campaign that needs it most. The US Department of Agriculture built a modern mobile application for farmers. The application runs on a Eucalyptus cloud installed on USDA’s existing servers. Plinga runs massive social games on both the public cloud and on Eucalyptus. They can move the games back and forth without change.

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