Enterprise Cloud Analytics and Business Intelligence

Enterprise Cloud Analytics and Business Intelligence enables organizations to leverage the Cloud and provide end to end data aggregation and analysis capabilities. The objective is to develop Analytics on the Cloud to support Business Intelligence and Analysis capabilities. Effective strategic and operational business decisions can be made based on the search, analysis, drill down and visualization of data in real-time to get actionable information for making effective business decisions. In addition predictive analysis can be very useful to predict trends and patterns.
In his session at 14th Cloud Expo, Ajay Budhraja, CTO at the Department of Justice, will discuss enterprise cloud analytics and business intelligence management, solutions, best practices, challenges, trends and specific examples. He will go over the development of a road map, architecture and a data-driven strategy for cloud analytics and business intelligence at the enterprise level for public, private and hybrid solutions. He will also cover approaches to making data accessible through analytic capabilities and the governance, methodology, architecture, security, privacy aspects.

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