Engineers Unplugged

Last summer, I was having lunch with my friend Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja) and we were discussing some ideas about how to better engage the Cloud Computing technology communities. As a whole, there is quite a bit of change happening in this space (technology, market dynamics, business models) and it can be difficult for people to keep up with all that’s going on. I don’t recall all the details of that lunch, but the central idea was that it would be interesting if we could capture the passion and insight that happens when technologists get together around a whiteboard and talk shop.
Needless to say, a few months later, Amy took her network connections and social media prowess and turned that initial idea into a very cool series of videos called “Engineers Unplugged”. It’s now moved into Season 2 and covers topics from Cloud Computing to Data Center design to Networking to Virtualization and everything in between. And more impressive than the technology breadth is the cast of ubergeeks that share their knowledge on the shows. I’ve been lucky enough to be on two episodes (below), but luckily most of the technology discussions are much more interesting than my sessions.

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