Digital Economy on Agenda in Cebu

m thrilled to see that old friend Winston Damarillo, the man who, among other things, sold Gluecode to IBM in 2005, is Summit Chair of an exciting new event called OCEAN (Open Collaboration with East Asia New Champions), to be held May 23-25 in Cebu, Philippines.
The event is being launched by The New Champions of the World Economic Forum, a community that includes the Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers, Schwab Social Entrepreneurs, and Global Growth Companies in the Philippines. It is receiving support from the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI).
Cebu is not only the “second city” of the Philippines, but a major technology region and smaller, less crowded alternative to the vast reaches of Greater Manila, which counts more than 20 million people in its environs.
OCEAN attendees will discuss “where the Philippine economy is now, and what the future holds,” according to Winston. “More than 200 leaders from the government, business, academia, and arts and culture will share strategies and solutions for promoting social and economic progress.” The larger picture is continuing integration of the Philippines into ASEAN – the Association of Southeast Asian Nations – a regional, 10-country group that works for peaceful solutions and economic integration throughout Southeast Asia.
Winston also noted, in announcing the event, that “to further fuel the momentum, OCEAN aims to develop a framework for creating Innovation Zones that promote a new class of businesses.” The Philippines, as I’ve written previously, has a vibrant startup culture and several designated “New Wave Cities” that foster innovation. As a developing country, it faces challenges of underdeveloped infrastructure and poverty, of course.
But I lived there for three years, have family there, and will be returning soon, so am happy to see the continued enthusiasm of innovators in the Philippines working to improve the economy of their nation and lives of their people.
Details of the OCEAN event can be found at

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