DevOps, Security and Compliance | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Microservices

DevOps bridges the gap between Development and Operations to accelerate software delivery and increase business agility and time-to-market. With its roots in the Agile movement, DevOps fosters collaboration between teams and streamlines processes, with the goal of breaking silos in order to “go fast.”
Information Security (InfoSec) and compliance are critical to businesses across the globe, especially given past examples of data breaches and looming cybersecurity threats. InfoSec has long been thought of as the group that “slows things down” – the wet towel to your DevOps efforts – often requiring a more conservative approach as a means of mitigating risk. Traditionally, DevOps was viewed as a risk to InfoSec, with the increased velocity of software releases seen as a threat to governance and security/regulatory controls (these, by the way, often require the separation of duties, rather than the breaking of silos.)

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