Deliver on Radical Business Transformation | @CloudExpo #Cloud

Radical business transformation is an essential part of business growth, but that transformation is dependent more on process than it is technology – and on creating a culture of change within the business that has buy-in at every level. Technology vendors often tout the transformative potential of products, but when those initiatives fail to deliver? A company must take a deeper look at the reasons because it may not be the vendor or flaw in the technology, so much as the problem lies within the corporate culture.
Most change management challenges include new technological tools, and most of them have familiar IT acronyms – TMS and TBM and CRM and ERP – all of which need to perform in alignment with the reasonable expectations of the corporate decision-makers who chose them for their data advantages and automated process efficiencies. That investment is often sizeable, but unless a similar commitment is made in orienting the workforce to the goals that the systems are designed to achieve, the finance team will be wondering why they’re not seeing the ROI numbers while everyone else feels the frustration.

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