Cloud survey from Asigra shows data backup trends

A survey commissioned by Asigra and conducted by TechValidate has found security as the primary concern with storing data in the cloud.

Of the companies surveyed, security (21%) was the biggest concern, followed by location of company data (7%), cost (3%), cloud service provider going out of business (3%) and user error leading to data loss (3%).

There is a reason if these numbers appear particularly low – the top answer for respondents was “all of the above” (59%).

So, evidently, the majority of respondents can’t choose between various cloudy pain points, but of those who can, security worries once again come out on top.

3% selected user error leading to data loss – a pertinent worry, given data recovery expert Kroll Ontrack released its annual Top 10 Data Disasters list, including one man who ran over his camera and another whose iPad slipped into the sea off a Nigerian oil …