Cloud services are an organizational innovation, not a technology "silver bullet"

By Dr Steve Hodgkinson, Research Director, IT, Asia-Pacific, Ovum

Many executives regard technology evangelists as “drive-by shooters” – people who cruise by their offices firing so-called “silver bullet” solutions. Are cloud evangelists in this category? Perhaps. If they are selling cloud computing as a technology innovation, then the “drive-by shooter” label can fit quite well.

Most ICT executives know how to manage technology evangelists: they do not let them into the office. Cloud services evangelists, however, are a much bigger problem because they proffer pervasive organizational disruptors – pre-assembled bundles of people, processes and technology – not technology point solutions.

The challenge for the ICT department is fending off the army of cloud services evangelists that is out there selling piecemeal organizational disruption to executives throughout the enterprise. The ICT department must get ready. It is in danger of losing its monopoly over the provision of ICT services, and a big test of …