Cloud Is No Longer Uncharted Territory By @vmTyler | @CloudExpo #Cloud

During my first trip out to the Blue Box office in Seattle this week, I thought about the coast-to-coast flight while relaxing at 40,000 feet. A journey of thousands of miles made completely routinely in about five hours. I remembered one of my favorite computer games as a kid—The Oregon Trail. It tried to capture the experience of leading a wagon train of settlers to the West Coast in 1848. The trip took almost six months and death along the way wasn’t uncommon, as the game frequently reminded you.

It’s amazing how that trip has transformed from perilous to commonplace.The need for safe travel drove massive technology advancements. We’ve seen a similar transformative push in cloud computing. Cloud computing is already having a major impact on IT services. The need for on-demand, self-service offerings from the developers and lines of business has made this a critical area for CIOs to…

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