Cloud Expo Silicon Valley: The Executive View on Cloud Service Brokers

Cloud services and solutions play a critical role in the cloud ecosystem. With the cloud comes increased complexities and an increased need for integration, aggregation and automation capabilities. This is a disruptive change for both business and IT, and constitutes a series of challenges, coupled with new requirements. Leveraging the cloud requires more than just technology and platform migration. It requires a common platform across providers to design, build and operate a solution with a single point of accountability and transparency to enable successful transition to the cloud model.
In his session at the 11th International Cloud Expo, Chad M. Lawler, Director of Consulting, Cloud Computing at Hitachi Consulting will explore the aggregation integration, customization, and automation of cloud solutions design, architecture, provisioning, procurement, deployment, management and governance in the cloud service broker model. Attendees will receive an overview of how innovative cloud brokerage technologies are helping government agencies streamline cloud sourcing, procurement, on-boarding, integration, aggregation, billing and use of different cloud services for cost savings, centralized management and increased governance control.

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