Cloud Expo Silicon Valley: Platform as a Service & the Software Revolution

The software industry is in the midst of a revolution, driven by incredible advances in Big Data, analytics, mobile devices, developer tools, and infrastructure. Platform as a Service is at the center of this revolution, providing a comprehensive foundation that spans all clouds, private, hybrid or public, and gives developers a unified perspective that is consistent whether deploying apps to a laptop or across data centers.
In his session at the 13th International Cloud Expo®, John Wetherill, Developer Evangelist at ActiveState, will dive into PaaS, showing how it enables rapid delivery of modern enterprise applications, with emphasis on how it simplifies Big Data access, instant elastic scaling, service provisioning, log aggregation, and remote monitoring, while dramatically increasing productivity and decreasing time-to-market. Platform as a Service is expected to be as influential on the software industry as Linux was two decades ago. After attending this session you’ll know why.

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