Cloud Expo Silicon Valley: Moving to a Zero IT Infrastructure Footprint

A myriad of new methodologies and technologies from Cloud Computing to BYOD have changed the IT landscape demonstrably. In parallel, higher-value functions around data, customer engagement and revenue growth are pushing CIOs to consider alternative approaches. The nexus is moving IT to a zero footprint infrastructure model. Organizations including Healthcare, Financial Services, Insurance and Airlines are moving in this direction. Unfortunately, traditional IT paradigms present a challenge to adopting these new methodologies.
In his session at the 13th International Cloud Expo®, Tim Crawford, an internationally renowned thought leader, will outline the issues, opportunities and steps required for the move. Not moving is no longer an option, but Moving to a Zero IT Infrastructure Footprint is not a panacea without challenges. He will also discuss the challenges and how to address them and cover the higher-value opportunities that CIOs are striving for that lead to significant changes in the IT constructs. Moving to Zero IT Infrastructure is one of the first strategies in the journey.
While moving to a Zero IT Infrastructure Footprint is not a panacea, attendees will understand the challenges that moving brings and how to address those changes. In the end, attendees should understand the value for moving and the next steps they can take within their own organizations to get started.

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