Cloud Expo Silicon Valley: Elastic Cloud Infrastructure

Two types of cloud infrastructure have emerged to clearly differentiate the choices enterprises face in their cloud migration strategies: enterprise virtualization clouds versus elastic cloud infrastructure. The former defines infrastructure built to support legacy enterprise applications like those built on SAP and Oracle. The canonical example is a vSphere stack. The second cloud category – elastic cloud – defines infrastructure built to support new, dynamic applications like mobile, gaming, Big Data, and PaaS. The canonical example is public cloud provider Amazon Web Services (AWS).
In his session at the 11th International Cloud Expo, Troy Angrignon, Vice President of Sales & Partnering at Cloudscaling, will explain how enterprise CIOs are increasingly faced with the need to build and support new, dynamic apps built on REST-ful APIs under the devops model. Unfortunately, new apps are ill-suited to their enterprise virtualization stacks. Running them on public clouds like AWS works technically, but this presents regulatory, availability and proprietary issues. CIOs are asking for an elastic cloud infrastructure that’s architecturally and behaviorally consistent with AWS, but they want it in their data center.

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