Cloud Expo Silicon Valley: Cloud Doesn’t Come in a Box!

Cloud in a box is the ultimate oxymoron. Purchasing new infrastructure is both costly and time-consuming, which defeats the purpose of moving to the cloud in the first place. However, there are ways to build highly available and highly secure private or public clouds that leverage your existing infrastructure investments while removing the inherent availability and security risks that cloud introduces. For instance, IT organizations need to consider the ramifications of keeping the entire multi-tiered business service that runs across virtual and physical infrastructure, highly available and protected even in the face of a disaster.
In their session at the 11th International Cloud Expo, VR Satish, VP and CTO for the Security and Availability Management Group at Symantec, and Dan Graves,Cloud CTO at Symantec, will discuss what is needed to build a highly available, resilient, safe and compliant cloud that keeps costs in check and provides IT services at the speed required by your business.

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