Cloud Expo Silicon Valley: 100,000 Hours in the Cloud… Lessons Learned

SOASTA’s five-year journey began at the very first Cloud Expo back in 2008 when they launched an enterprise cloud service called CloudTest. CloudTest quickly became one of Cloud Computing’s “Killer Apps” by helping the world’s largest consumer brands to test and deliver quality online experiences. SOASTA is a story of the evolution of cloud computing through the eyes of one of its largest consumers. What SOASTA learned along the way may help you with some challenges and pitfalls of cloud computing and will offer some clues as to where the cloud is going in the future: – It’s all about the workload – Know your APIs – Architecture matters – There’s no magic pill.
In his session at the 13th International Cloud Expo®, Tom Lounibos, CEO for SOASTA, will take an energetic trip through cloud history and provide invaluable tips learned through hard-earned success.

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