Cloud Expo New York: Six Not-So-Blind Men and the Cloud Elephant

As with everything else, the best way to get a view of a new technology area is by asking for independent opinions. The old adage of the 6 blind men and the elephant comes to mind. Coincidentally, there were six “blind men” on the panel, including our very engaging host, Mr. Geelan. And there were views that converged in a common theme – Cloud Connects.
The discussion was very entertaining, as all panels mediated by Jeremy are. Interestingly, the analogy went into elephants and other sorts of fauna. To me the Cloud elephant is the right animal to summarize this discussion around – my mind went to the old Indian fable of six blind men and the elephant (I did drop the word “blind” because the panel is obviously not blind and was made of very experienced leaders in this industry J). But it was six men with different views, yet converging on the same theme of how cloud computing fits into this world and the future.

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