Cloud Expo New York: Enabling the Cloud for Big Data

With the right tools, file storage today can be in the cloud or on-premise, with seamless and secure access and publishing regardless of location. Novel, high-speed transport technologies that alleviate the bottlenecks and limitations of traditional data movement protocols are now intrinsically enabled for cloud object storage, such as Amazon Web Services S3 and Microsoft Windows Azure. Companies of all types and sizes can use the latest technology to ingest and distribute large media files to and from Windows Azure BLOB storage, for example, and integrate the platform into media services running on the Azure cloud.
In his session at the 12th International Cloud Expo, Jason Warman, Director of Sales Engineering at Aspera, Inc., will explore how infrastructure-agnostic transport technologies are transforming the ways all kinds of organizations access and use Big Data for ever-greater efficiencies and innovation.

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