Cloud Expo: Adopting Cloud Solutions from the Couch to the Corporation

Enterprise Cloud adoption revolves around pushing the BYOD movement and focusing on data security.
In his session at the 13th International Cloud Expo®, Ross Brouse, COO and President of Solar VPS, will cover how cloud adoption is driven by consumerism and how humanity needs to socialize. He will also discuss our addiction to new gadgets and the ability of data to stay secure in a growing collaborative world. The Cloud is a drug and we’re just getting hooked.
Ross Brouse, COO and President of Solar VPS, is a true creative thinker. He believes the solution to most challenges involves discipline, positive reinforcement and innovative problem solving. As an industry leader, he draws from decades of experience in film and television production, graphic design and development, and managed IT. A graduate of New York University, Ross founded FortressITX’s subsidiary company, Solar VPS, in 2005.

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