Cloud Computing: Nine Ways the Cloud Changes Users’ Lives at Cloud Expo NY

Today’s end users are always connected, and mobile and social apps have given them the expectation of immediate gratification. Why should enterprise apps be any different? What good is Big Data and real-time computing if you can’t broadcast data to all your end users in milliseconds?
In his session at the 10th International Cloud Expo, Todd Greene, CEO and co-founder of PubNub, will discuss how companies are using real-time cloud infrastructure to deliver new kinds of killer apps to users. This broad reaching topic will illustrate how the cloud is powering real-time apps across a wide range of industries, including real-time analytics, advertising, massive scale audience participation, linking commerce with presence, and business collaboration that enables live participation and the ability for instant decision-making. Whether you build or support b2b or b2c apps, it’s likely that your users are expecting their apps and websites to connect users to real-time data, collaboration, and immediate gratification. Explore how you can use cloud services like PubNub to deliver “human-perceptive” real-time experiences that scale to millions of users worldwide.

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