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Sorenson Forensics Launches New Cloud-based Database for CSI Management, DNA Profile Archiving

Sorenson Forensics today announced the launch of its new LEAD (Local Entry Accessible DNA) Database, a secure, cloud-based service designed for local law enforcement agencies to simplify the archival, search and reference of DNA profiles from crime scene samples. The LEAD Database™ was unveiled during the 2012 International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference in San Diego, Calif.

The Sorenson Forensics LEAD Database™ gives law enforcement agents at a local level the control they need to archive DNA profiles collected within their jurisdiction to be easily searched and referenced by an authorized user. By centralizing collected profiles, users can access the database to compare DNA profiles against current crime scene evidence. Using a sophisticated algorithm, the LEAD Database™ searches existing profiles and will automatically notify users when a matching profile is identified, enabling crimes to be solved more quickly.

“The national DNA database is controlled by the FBI, and while federal, state and local public crime labs have access to its information, it is not comprehensive nor does it provide a local database of information that is needed,” said Timothy D. Kupferschmid, executive director of Sorenson Forensics. “With the Sorenson Forensics LEAD Database™, we are giving local control of DNA profiles to law enforcement agencies. This solution enables each agency the ability to handle casework in a way that best suits their individual needs, and expedites the time it takes to get the information needed to resolve cases.”

DNA profiles from evidence samples can be manually uploaded to the LEAD Database™ via a secure Internet connection by a local state crime lab, or samples can be submitted to Sorenson Forensics’ laboratory to be analyzed and added to the database. Sorenson Forensics’ advanced DNA laboratory holds the prestigious ASCLD/LAB-International accreditation.

The LEAD Database™ is the latest in a line of innovative services introduced by Sorenson Forensics to better assist local law enforcement agencies to solve difficult cases. In 2011, the company launched Investigative LEADTM, the industry’s most advanced ancestry DNA test for law enforcement. Since its founding in 2006, Sorenson Forensics has developed an international reputation for providing advanced forensic DNA services, including DNA testing and analysis, expert witness testimony, DNA case reviews, laboratory validation services and evidence screening.

For pricing and purchasing information on the Sorenson Forensics LEAD Database™, contact: