Category Archives: TestComplete

LoadComplete Aims to Simplify Analysis of Web Performance Data

With LoadComplete 2.6 by SmartBear Software, available today, organizations can load and stress test their Web applications on premise or from Amazon cloud, offering the best of both worlds—agility of on-premise deployment and scale of load generation from the cloud.

“In working with dozens of performance testing tools in my career, I’ve learned that the key to success is having the right tools available at exactly the right time,” said Rick Cavallaro, owner, RJCadvisors, Inc. “While executing load tests and setting up automated testing solutions for customers, I am often brought in late in the process so the window to execute the tests is very short. LoadComplete 2.6 allows me to apply the load very quickly, and in turn, get to the measurements quickly.”

LoadComplete is a proven and affordable performance, stress and load testing tool from the makers of the award winning functional testing tools – TestComplete and soapUI. Designed from the ground up to help users focus on key business tasks of performance testing, it requires no programming knowledge to start and accelerates workflow with automation and wizards. With LoadComplete, users can record and play user scenarios and optimize the load model using the freehand workload modeling tool. LoadComplete collects server performance data and integrates it in performance reports.