Archivo de la categoría: Incandescent light bulb

When Light Bulbs Go Off and Make Cloud Art

Here at Cloud News Daily we tirelessly search for news on all the related terms you might guess — including, of course, “cloud”.

What we come up with often has nothing to do with Cloud Computing (Actually sometimes articles purporting to be about “cloud computing” sometimes don’t). We of course filter all that out, but sometimes something just begs to be posted for your enjoyment, entertainment, or illumination (oh yes, pun intended).

Such is the case with Incandescent Cloud, artwork made from 5,000 burned out light bulbs in the shape of a cloud.

incandescent cloud art installation site logo

CLOUD is a large-scale interactive installation by Caitlind r.c. Brown for Nuit Blanche Calgary. Created from steel, metal pull-strings, and 5,000+ light bulbs (both illuminated and burnt out) CLOUD asks the viewer to participate by experiencing the work first hand – standing beneath the structure and pulling lights on and off, creating the flickering aesthetic of an electrical cloud.