Archivo de la categoría: Brendan Hannigan

IBM claims strong traction with cybersecurity cloud network

IBM says its recently announced cybersecurity cloud service is gaining traction

IBM says its recently announced cybersecurity cloud service is gaining traction

IBM said over 1,000 organisations have now joined its recently announced cloud-based cybersecurity service, dubbed X-Force Exchange.

The service includes hundreds of terabytes of raw aggregated threat intelligence data and those that sign up to the service can upload their own data, so the more people join the more robust the service gets.

The initial data dump is based on over 25 billion web pages and images collected from a network of over 270 million endpoints, and includes data from over 15 billion monitored security events daily. But the company said participants have created more than 300 new collections of threat data since its launch.

“Cybercrime has become the equivalent of a pandemic — no company or country can battle it alone,” said Brendan Hannigan, general manager, IBM Security.

“We have to take a collective and collaborative approach across the public and private sectors to defend against cybercrime. Sharing and innovating around threat data is central to battling highly organized cybercriminals; the industry can no longer afford to keep this critical resource locked up in proprietary databases. With X-Force Exchange, IBM has opened access to our extensive threat data to advance collaboration and help public and private enterprises safeguard themselves,” Hannigan said.

Security isn’t a new area for IBM but offering real-time cyberthreat detection is, a move that has also put it in direct competition with a wide range of managed security service providers that have been playing in this space for years. Nevertheless, the company has a lot of clients so there’s a huge opportunity for the firm to harvest all of that data – particularly as it creates new partnerships with networking incumbents (like Cisco with VersaStack).

IBM makes cyber threat data available as a cloud security service

IBM is launching a cybersecurity cloud service

IBM is throwing its hat into the cybersecurity ring

IBM has unveiled a cloud-based cybersecurity service which includes hundreds of terabytes of raw aggregated threat intelligence data, which can be expanded upon by users that sign up to use the service.

At about 700TB, IBM’s X-Force Exchange service is being pitched by the firm as one of the largest and most complete catalogues of cybersecurity vulnerability data in the world.

The threat information is based on over 25 billion web pages and images collected from a network of over 270 million endpoints, and will also include real-time data provided by others on the service (so effectively, the more people join, the more robust the service gets).

“The IBM X-Force Exchange platform will foster collaboration on a scale necessary to counter the rapidly rising and sophisticated threats that companies are facing from cybercriminals,” said Brendan Hannigan, general manager, IBM Security.

“We’re taking the lead by opening up our own deep and global network of cyberthreat research, customers, technologies and experts. By inviting the industry to join our efforts and share their own intelligence, we’re aiming to accelerate the formation of the networks and relationships we need to fight hackers,” Hannigan said.

Last year IBM made a number of acquisitions to bolster end-point and cloud security (CrossIdeas, Lighthouse) and adding cyber threat detection to the mix creates a nicely rounded security portfolio. But the move also put it in direct competition with a wide range of managed security service providers that have been playing in this space for years and going after the same verticals (oil & gas, financial service, retail, media, etc.), so it will be interesting to see how IBM differentiates itself.